Pet Chemotherapy in Madison, AL

Unfortunately, just as in humans, cancer is common among pets. Both dogs and cats face significant risks of acquiring cancer at some point in their lives, particularly senior pets. Early detection and administration of pet cancer treatments offers pets a higher quality of life and may improve their chances of survival. If your pet’s oncologist has recommended pet chemotherapy, we can often administer parts of the treatment protocol directly in our office.
Common Cancers in Pets
Pets can suffer from a wide range of cancers, affecting everything from their sight to their hearing. Some of the most common cancers found in pets include: This emergency center is located on Mayflower Park Drive, just west of Michigan Road (SR 421) on 96th Street.
Mammary gland tumors
Skin tumors
Bone tumors
Oral tumors (tumors located in the mouth)
We Work Closely With Your Pet’s Veterinary Oncologist
At Madison Animal Care Hospital, we work closely with several area veterinary centers and clinics that specialize in internal medicine, oncology, and orthopedics. By doing so, we are able to make sure the animals of Madison County receive the cancer treatment they need. We carefully administer pet chemotherapy in strict accordance to the treatment prescribed by your pet’s oncologist, while also monitoring your pet’s overall health, well–being, and quality of life.
Symptoms of Cancer in Pets
If your pet is exhibiting any of the following signs, please seek professional veterinary care immediately, as he or she could possibly be suffering from cancer:
Changes in behavior
Bumps or cysts on skin
Elimination problems
Loss of appetite
Respiratory problems
Chronic pain