Most people are aware that dental care is important for their general health. But, very few people know that pet dental health care is equally important.
Here are some of the reasons why dental care is essential for your pet:
Prevents Tooth Loss
When plaque gets into your pet’s mouth, toxins are released, causing damage to the gums. The immune system reacts as a way of fighting the bacteria, but in the process, inflammation occurs, causing the gums to loosen. With the gums being loose, your pet’s teeth can easily fall off, and that can affect the pet’s feeding habits.
Prevents Oral Pain
Like in humans, dental disease can be excruciating for your pet. The pain can be so severe that it can affect your pet’s behavior. For example, pain can make your pet refuse to eat or play.
Prevents Bad Breath
If you are a pet lover, you know that pets hardly keep boundaries. They can get in your face or even your visitors any time as part of playing. So, if they have bad breath, it can be quite uncomfortable for you or anyone else spending time with them.
Keeps Teeth in Good Shape
Pets such as dogs and cats have no sense to avoid chewing bones or hard objects. That can make the teeth chip or break, and it can be very painful for them.
Chipped teeth expose nerves leading to infections, which can cause even worse problems if not treated. So, to maintain the shape of your pet’s teeth, be sure to maintain good dental care. That way, you can easily notice the chipped teeth as soon as they occur.
Prevents Other Health Problems from Occurring
Poor dental health care can have adverse effects on your pet’s health. It can lead to fatal diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, and kidney disease. These diseases are quite hard to treat.
So, to avoid such issues, you should take care of your pet’s dental care. Also, be sure to pay regular visits to your vet for dental checkups.
Saves You Money
Maintaining proper dental care for your pet is quite easy and cheap. All you need is a pet toothbrush and toothpaste recommended by your vet. If anything, it can only use up your time and not more than 10 minutes.
On the other hand, if your pet has poor oral hygiene, it can lead to diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, and those can be quite expensive to treat. So, save cost by maintaining good oral hygiene from the early stages.
Finally, be proactive about your pet’s health and watch out for behavior changes such as being sluggish and refusing to eat. Those could be signs that your pet has serious dental health issues.
Learn more about proper dental hygiene for your pet, contact Madison Animal Care Hospital in Madison, AL at (256) 461-7575 to book an appointment.