Just like people, pets require a lifestyle that includes a nutritious diet. Optimal health can only be achieved when all health-supporting factors are in place – and proper nutrition tops the list. Pet nutritional counseling can be a powerful tool in helping you understand what your pet needs, what is currently available in the market, and what you can do to support a healthy lifestyle for your pet.
Avoiding And Reversing Obesity In Pets
The correlation between obesity and disease is something every pet owner should be aware of. As your pet increases in excess body weight, the chances of developing an autoimmune condition increases proportionally. This can be a very uncomfortable (if not fatal) situation for your pet to be in. You can improve your pet’s health through healthy dietary choices that are species-specific and caters to their unique needs.
The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention shared a statistic that shows more than fifty percent of pets are overweight or obese. Moreover, diet is the primary cause of this pandemic. Not all pet foods are the same nutritional quality – some are even completely unhealthy and should be a cause of concern. They are the pet food equivalent of fast food – full of fillers, chemicals, and unhealthy bi-products – and should be avoided at all costs if a healthy pet is a goal.
In defense of pet owners, it can be hard to know what to believe when it comes to nutrition facts and label claims posted on commercial pet food products. There is a lot of marketing disinformation that can be confusing and misleading to a well-intentioned buyer.
The good news is that our veterinarian can help you assess your pets current diet and activity levels to determine what course of action can be had based on what you can afford, what your pet needs, and what can fit into your lifestyle as well. There are plenty of great options for you to choose from and you can find something that works for you and your pet.
Just a few simple changes in daily activity level (like a bit more off-leash run-time for a dog, for instance) and some dietary nutritional tweaks can have a substantial positive impact on your pet’s health, physical condition, and overall quality of life.
Food Allergies in Pets
Pets can have allergies too. If you notice that your pet is itching a lot, experiencing frequent gas/diarrhea, getting frequent or chronic ear infections, or constantly itching their rear end, they could be experiencing allergic reactions to food. Your vet can help to narrow down the potential allergens through an elimination diet. There are common culprits that tend to cause issues, and your vet can help you determine which ones need to be avoided in your pet’s diet.
The Healthy Pet Diet – Start Early, Start Today
The sooner you establish a healthy diet for your pet the better. Ideally, establishing a nutritionally sound diet before six months of age is best. You can then monitor early growth and adjust the diet as your pet matures.
If you already have an aging pet, stating now is your best bet moving forward. It’s never too late to make a healthy change to your pet’s diet. As long as your pet is willing to eat the new food you have a positive outcome! Over time you will begin to see the changes in the physical constitution of your pet, symptom relief, energy levels, and overall wellness of your aging pet. If you start early, you will likely enjoy an energetic, healthy, and personable pet for years to come.
About Pet Nutrition
One of the best things you can do for your pet is to ensure they are eating a nutritious diet. Pet nutritional counseling from our veterinarian can help you determine the best course of action for you and your pet.
Schedule an appointment with Madison Animal Care Hospital today at 256-461-7575 and help your pet get on the right nutritional track.