Waking up at 4 a.m. to the sound of your pet’s tags clanging together is unpleasant to say the least. However, do you notice scratching every few seconds? What in the world has gotten into your pet?
While certainly irritating for you, pet allergies can be painful for your four-legged friend. Don’t worry, our team is here to help every step of the way.
When humans suffer from allergies, symptoms typically manifest in the respiratory system. Flea, food, contact, or environmental allergies usually trigger dermatological symptoms in your pet. While there are other indications of pet allergies, you may notice itching without any end in sight.
Flea Allergy Dermatitis
This is the most common of all pet allergies, and it starts with a single flea bite. Flea saliva is deposited onto your pet’s skin during a bite. If your pet has a heightened sensitivity to it, a full dermatological assault is launched. Keep an eye out for the following:
Intense scratching at the site of the bite
Redness or inflammation
Your pet may start to chew or bite at the skin, resulting in hair loss, swelling, open sores, or scabbing
Pet Allergies and Food
Food allergies occur in a pet who’s sensitive to a food’s protein. While reactions are dermatological, problems can arise in the GI tract as well. Various meat and dairy products are common culprits, but soy and wheat can also trigger food allergies. Pets that have eaten the same diet can develop an allergy seemingly overnight. Watch closely for:
Rash or hives
Sneezing, coughing, difficulty breathing
Vomiting or diarrhea
Things all Around
The air your pet breathes can be riddled with allergens. Dust mites, pollen, mildew, and mold are typical irritants that can occur year round or seasonally. We classify these pet allergies as environmental and may refer to them as atopic dermatitis. Your pet could react with symptoms akin to hay fever or severe itching all over the body. Secondary infections can also occur as a result of excessive licking, biting, and scratching.
Making Contact
Similar to people, pets can have terrible skin reactions to cleaning products or detergents. Chemicals, soaps, paints, and even insecticides can cause problems for your companion but that’s not all.
Synthetic and natural fibers found in upholstery or carpets can wreak havoc on your pet. Materials such as leather and rubber are also a threat. While you may never know exactly what caused your pet’s reaction, our team will do everything it can to relieve his or her symptoms.
Zero In
It’s always a good idea to document your pet’s behavior, symptoms, and possible triggers. Treating pet allergies is only possible with the use of certain diagnostics and after close observation. While skin and blood tests are helpful, a limited, hypoallergenic diet over the course of 2-3 months is the only way to zero in on a food allergy.
The bottom line is that you want relief for your itchy pet, and there are topical products out there to minimize symptoms. Depending on your pet and the severity of his or her allergies, we may discuss other supportive treatments. Please don’t hesitate to let us know how we can assist you and your pet.