If you have an indoor dog, then winter in Madison, AL can be a tough time for keeping your dog active. Physical activity is a crucial part of canine ownership. Not only does it help to keep your dog’s weight under control, it also helps keep his heart, lungs, and other major organs remain healthy, while stimulating his brain.
While the great outdoors offer plenty of opportunities for exercise, there are times and circumstances when getting outside with your dog isn’t practical or possible - like when cold weather or rain doesn’t permit it.
Unfortunately, lack of exercise can be problematic for our canine companions, and many of our clients, who keep their dogs inside during the winter find that behavior issues develop, due to their pet not having their physical and socialization needs met. This can include hyperactivity, chewing furniture, increased anxiety and even aggression.
Thankfully, your dog doesn’t have to go without the activity they need to keep them healthy and happy. Here is our guide to how to keep your dog active indoors.
Make your dog exercise on the stairs
Stairs are a great way to tire out your dog, and needing to concentrate on the steps is mentally stimulating too. They also mean that your furbaby will engage different muscles to those usually used on a walk or run.
Stand at the top of the stairs and throw your pet’s favorite toy down to him. Once he has grabbed it, call him and encourage him to bring it back to you. Then throw it back down the stairs and repeat the process. It won’t take long before your dog is feeling the burn!
Play hide and seek
Hide and seek is one of the easiest games to play with your dog indoors, and provides a great opportunity to strengthen the bond between you. All you need is a bag of your pet’s favorite treats!
After getting your dog to ‘sit and stay’ in a specific location, take yourself off and hide somewhere. At first you might want to make yourself fairly easy to hide, at least until your dog gets used to the idea of the game!
Then when you are ready, use a specific command to encourage your canine pal to come and find you. When he does, reward him with a treat and lots of praise and attention. Just remember that if you plan to play this game a lot, try and choose some healthy treats!
Other great games to play indoors with your dog include tag, catch the bubbles and tug’o’war.Heading 2
Get your pooch on the treadmill
It may surprise you to know that treadmills aren’t just for humans. In fact, you can even buy treadmills specifically designed with dogs in mind. Obviously, your furbaby will need some training to be able to use the treadmill safely, and you should always start him off at the lowest speed at the beginning of every workout. However, as your dog gets used to the treadmill, you will soon be able to move up to a more challenging workout.
Create obstacle courses
An obstacle course is a great way to stimulate your dog’s brain as he will need to carefully consider each part before completing it. The types of obstacles you can offer will depend on the size of your property and the things that you have within it that you can use, but could include:
Jumping through a hoop
Crawling through a tunnel
Traversing poles or cones
Going up or down the stairs
Jumping over cushions
Let your imagination run wild, and don’t forget to reward your pet with lots of positive words and attention.
Find an agility or training class nearby
If you don’t have a great deal of space in your own home, many places offer agility or training classes that are held indoors in sports halls, community centers, and so forth.
Not only will these classes give your pooch the physical and mental stimulation that he needs, but they also provide both you and your dog the opportunity for some social interaction. This can be especially useful for your dog, who will really benefit from a chance to learn socialization skills.
Have a question about pet ownership or behavioral issues with your dog? Don’t forget to ask our experienced vets at Madison Animal Care Hospital in Madison, AL. At Madison Animal Care Hospital, we are dedicated to your pet’s entire health and wellness, including their happiness. Call us today to learn more at 256-461-7575.