If you own a dog, then you know that diet and exercise play an integral role in keeping your pet healthy, happy, and well behaved. However, when it comes to determining how much exercise and what sort of exercise your dog needs, one of the most defining factors is his breed. This is because some breeds of dog are specifically bred for performing physically demanding activities. For example, dogs bred for hunting or herding tend to be much higher energy. Even if your dog does not participate in these activities now, the need for daily, vigorous exercise is still there.
So, what happens if you don’t give your dog the exercise he needs?
Many people think that failure to give enough exercise only really results in weight gain. While this won’t happen immediately, over time a surplus calorie intake without exercise to burn it off will cause your canine pal to put on extra weight. Obesity is just as dangerous for dogs as it is for humans and has been linked to the development of very serious and even deadly health problems. These include diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and even some cancers.
Nevertheless, it is not just weight gain that you need to worry about. Dogs who don’t get adequate exercise are much more likely to develop behavioral issues. These can include excessive vocalization, jumping up, chewing the furniture, trying to escape your home or yard, or simply acting crazy indoors. Often this is a result of excess, pent-up energy that builds and builds until your dog can release it through physical and mental stimulation.
Different types of exercise for dogs
Inexperienced owners tend to think of exercising with your dog as just walking and jogging/running. However, there are many different types of exercise that you can enjoy together, some of which are physical and others which provides activity for your dog’s brain.
Physical activities you can enjoy with your dog:
- Swimming
- Physical games such as fetch, frisbee, and tug-of-war
- Hiking
- Obstacle courses
- Treadmill
- Dog sports such as Flyball and Agility training
Brain-exercising activities you can enjoy with your dog
- Basic command training
- Teaching tricks
- Toys that dispense treats
- Toys that have compartments for treats to be stuffed inside
- Hide and seek
- Scent tracking
What sort of exercise is good for my breed of dog?
Since each dog is unique, it stands to reason that different breeds of dog require different degrees of exercise.
Dog breeds that need high levels of exercise and activity on a daily basis include:
- Australian Shepherd
- Border Collie
- Boston Terrier
- Boxer
- Catahoula Leopard Dog
- Dalmatian
- German Shepherd
- Golden Retriever
- Irish Setter
- Jack Russell Terrier
- Labrador Retriever
- Pointer
- Rhodesian Ridgeback
- Siberian Husky
- Weimaraner
These breeds will most benefit from at least one long walk each day, plus plenty of games and training. Try and fit in some high-energy exercise every few days, such as activity classes or an extensive hike.
Dogs that typically don’t need as much physical exercise include the following breeds:
- Basset Hound
- Bullmastiff
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
- English Bulldog
- French Bulldog
- French Mastiff
- Great Dane
- Italian Greyhound
- Japanese Chin
- Lhasa Apso
- Pug
- Shih Tzu
While some daily exercise is still important for breeds such as these, once they have had their usual walk or fun-time, they will be more than happy to curl up in your lap or in their favorite spot in your home to relax for the rest of the day.
If you have any concerns about the level of exercise your dog needs or is currently getting, or if you would just like further advice on ways to ensure that your beloved canine pal gets enough quality exercise to stay healthy, call Madison Animal Care Hospital today at (256) 461-7575.